Monday, November 09, 2009
Normally a creature of slow, deliberate movements, The Crab is capable of sudden and aggressive movement, particularly when his feeding mechanism is sparked. Using state of the art technology with ultra fast shutter speeds, here we see the moment during a formal dinner party, where The Crab notices a morsel of food hanging from the lower lip of a young lady to his right. Not wanting to cause embarrassment and acutely aware of the need to act fast, The Crab snaps his feeding filter around the offending crumb and swallows it all within the blink of an eye; the girl's blushes spared by the fast acting crustacean.
Summer 2009 - Sea Wheat
Although a marine creature by design, The Crab has always taken a keen interest in activities on dry land. With hours if not days of practical harvest experience, The Crab can often be found on the jellyphone to his East Anglian contact Mr B Turner. Whilst previous harvests have been somewhat hit and miss (see previous posts), Turner has increased investment in the farm, taking advice from some of the most respected names in agribusiness in order to maximise returns from his family run smallholding. On the back of advice from Dave Chuggwell (photographed above), Turner recently invested in a modest grain storage unit. Here we see a photograph of Turner with Dave, celebrating the opening of the grain store with a few friends prior to Harvest 2009.
Tuesday, April 07, 2009
The BMI in the BVI
Crabs first scuttled the shores of Earth over 250 million years ago. Today's crab must adjust to climate change and the global movements of pray species. The Crab is no exception to this rule. In the summer months, The Crab follows schools of sardines, whitebait (see earlier posts) and fillé-o-fish off the coast of Mallorca. During the winter and spring, when the Northern hemisphere is cooler, The Crab slides off to warmer climes and visits friends in the rich feeding grounds of the Caribbean, where he patrols the inter tidal platform, gobbling anything too slow to escape his clammy claws. Below are a series of photographs taken by Marsh (who now operates under a new name) in the British Virgin Islands during March 2009:
Monday, April 06, 2009
The Mourning Mollusc
A sad moment captured on CrabCam - The Crab passes a local graveyard and recognises many old friends recently killed in a brutal off-shore marine attack just off Whitby. Here we see him paying his last respects to Louis the Lobster, Walter the Whelk and Samantha the Skate, all of whom pointlessly lost their lives in a this callous gastronomically fuelled killing spree.
Weekend Bolt Hole
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
The Compassionate Crab
When not working as a development consultant or helping with the horses (see 'Carrotgate'), The Crab enjoys foreign travel more than anything else. When abroad, The Crab is naturally drawn to the coast, where he loves nothing more than to enjoy local cultures, scuttling in the shallows and mixing with the native peoples. Here we see The Crab frolicking in the Mediterranean with a local boy.
Credit Crunch - Droitwich FarmGuard LTD
Close friend to and admirer of The Crab, David Chugwell (see previous posts) is not immune to the effects of the Credit Crunch. Even with a successful fencing and plant hire business, Dave has made the decision to take an additional evening job in order to keep the wolf from the door. Known for his courage and hard-line attitude to criminals, Dave has taken his role as the head of Agricultural Security for the South Droitwich area very seriously, helping many local farmers with a variety of night time problems.
Credit Crunch - Migrant Workers Suffer
The Snooty Greek MFH (Mostly Found Hunting) / AKA the Snooty Greek / The Snob etc, having held down a high powered job in central London for some time, is prudently keeping an eye on any emplyment opportunities, to ensure that he does not become a victim of the current economic crisis........ Not a natural mixer and easily unnerved in pressure situations, The Snob thought it wise to take advantage of UK equal opportunity laws, by arriving at a recent interview in his native dress. Sadly for him, Sav.ills are not recruiting at present and decided not to offer The Snob a position.
Taxi Crab
Having driven since his teenage years, The Crab is responsible, focused and alert at all times when behind the wheel.
End of the Shooting Season - Left and Right for The Crab
In recent years, The Crab has taken a real interest in shooting and whilst he lacks the coordination necessary to become a truly competent shot, his enthusiasm and general joie de vivre, means that he is regularly invited to join shoots across the country. During his time at The Royal Agricultural College in Cirencester, The Crab was very much a newcomer to the sport. One evening The Crab was boasting to his housemates that he had successfully achieved a left and right at duck earlier that day - and that they were hanging in the shed - here we see one housemate shortly after visiting the shed and discovering that The Crab had misunderstood the sporting terminology and had devoured two plump mallard in quick succession, much to the frustration of Mr Steady Frank Thoroughgood who had shot them the day before.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
The Crafty Claw
By clicking on the image above, a glutenous and disturbing scene will be revealed. The generous hosts of a summertime party kindly invited The Crab to join them near Droitwich Spa in the summer of 2008. That evening, with formalities out of the way, The Crab's eyes locked onto a chocolate fountain and it was not long before he scuttled along side this calorific dream and feasted upon its gooey goodness (left hand photo).
Later that evening, The Crab was reported missing and although numerous guests reported marshmallows mysteriously disappearing from their skewers after dipping them in the fountain, it wasn't until a young child (who refused to let go of his skewer) was dragged into the fountain (right hand photo - taken with an ultra high speed camera) that The Crab was discovered. The fountain was drained, only to reveal The Crab who had slipped into the fountain whilst guests were distracted by fireworks outside.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
The Widest Whelk
Monday, January 12, 2009
New Year 2008 - Heaven (Devon) is a place on earth
New Years Eve 2008/09 proved that the words of Berlinda Carlisle:"Ooh Heaven is a place on earth" to be entirely correct. In turns out that Heaven is located just off the M5, near Uffculme and the gatekeeper is an individual known as Trigger. As part of his role as head of (see earlier posts), Trigger spent a quiet evening on New Years Eve. Here we see Trigger raising a toast to the New Year and to The Crab, who was not in Heaven and spend the evening on an inter-tidal platform on the outskirts of Whitby.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Newsflash - Carrotgate 2009
REPORT JUST IN FROM DAVE, DROITWICH SPA - 11th January 2009 - The Crab is seen scuttling around the stables of his girlfriend Becky (yet to appear on Crabsworld) somewhere deep in Yorkshire. Bored and unable to assist with mucking out the horses due to a heart condition, The Crab investigates the feed room in search of a snack before going out for lunch with 'the parents in law'. With his exceptionally keen nose and eyesight of a vulture, The Crab spies a bucket filled with horse nuts and a lone carrot. Making a judgement call that the horse was probably getting plenty of fibre anyway, The Crab took the carrot in his pincer and quickly ate it. Minutes passed.... Becky shouted "Where did the carrot go from this bucket?" to which The Crab replied "Oh yea, I nailed it"........ Becky went pale and explained to Mat that the carrot had been hollowed out in order to disguise the powerful medication which her horse was currently undergoing to cure its rare 'Equine Parkinson's Disease".
Assuming that side effects would be minimal, The Crab, Becky and her parents went out for lunch. Half way through the meal, The Crab began frothing at the mouth and all blood drained from his face. Assuming that he was simply eager to have the mash passed from the other side of the table, the family ignored him, until he fell of his chair and began writhing on the ground. The Crab was admitted to Whitby A&E at 3.45pm today, only to be released at 6.30pm, having had his stomach pumped and been made to drink liquid charcoal to cleanse his system. Apparently the pills are not recommended for consumption by invertebrates and caused acute poisoning in The Crab's system his blood pressure dropped to a dangerous level. A swift recovery will hopefully follow. Becky was not to know that all edible matter should be kept well away from The Crab, as when blood sugar levels run low, he will consume anything organic - see earlier posts i.e. The Happy Snapper and Cheeseboard Cam. Ends.
Friday, January 02, 2009
Quality Control
Christmas 2008 - engineers from worked tirelessly over Christmas to capture The Crab during one of his most active times of the year. Whilst many people are resting, The Crab has a seasonal contract with Quality Street, where he is head chocolatier and Crunch Consultant. Here we see The Crab preparing for the taste test and (in the last image) contemplating a Hazelnut Crunch which he believes is below the required crunch threshold.
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