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Friday, October 05, 2007

A doer of good, a righter of wrongs, The Crab is always looking out for his friends. Upon hearing that his close friend Canners (see earlier posts) had be lured into the den of the dangerous Henri (see earlier posts), The Crab scuttled to the Hertfordshire Borders where he stumbled across this scene. Here we see Henri showing Canners his favoured QUALCAST COMMODORE (, often used in a popular Henri family game - Xtreme lawnmower racing. "The rules of the game are simple" Henri is recorded to have said... " You simply drink three bottles of Château Lafite Rothschild 1976 and drive the Qualcast as quickly as possible across the East Lawn..... The house record is 28 seconds".Eager to please and full of youthful energy, Canners fired up the Qualcast and shot over the fine East Lawn, rushing past the Unicorn enclosure and Dodo cage, ending up in the West Carp lake.
"Canners! Canners" Crab shouted as he ran towards the lake, casuing a comotion in the Dodo cage. The Crab ran to the edge of the water, ready to rip off his shirt and dive in to rescue his drowing friend. To the amazement of onlookers, the water began to boil with activity.....the fish, recognising Crab as a friend and eager to help, swam towards him to see if they could help. Having spoken Carp since he was spawned, Crab conversed with the fish, telling them what had happened and asking if they could assist in finding Canners. With a splash of fins and a mass of bubbles, the fish swiftly headed out into the lake and scoured its murky depths. Within moments, Canners had been found, allowing a quick rescue and after half a bottle of Jamesons, he recovered to full strength. A lucky escape, all thanks to The Crab - a true marine marvel.
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