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Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Down on The Farm

With the strength of the pound having a devestating effect on the UK farming industry, Trigger (see previous posts - Farmers In Crisis etc) is seen at the end of another weekend in London, after several intense meetings with his accountant and financial advisors. Trigger leads a somewhat hedonistic life and was told by his accountant and other advisors that he should spend more time at the farm..... taking this on board, Trigger headed to SW6 and spent several gruelling hours at The Farm (see photograph) in Fulham, eating a plump fillet steak.

Post-coital Crab

Coated in makeup (see previous post) and in a champagne fueled love rampage, The Crab was evidently successful in his quest to find a mate. Here we see evidence of this amorous event - the photograph can be enlarged by clicking upon it - note closely the object in the foreground....

Marine Marvel

In an attempt to lure a mate to within snapping distance, The Crab was photographed covertly applying mascara, lipstick and eye shadow to great effect.

Basking Crab

An opportunistic feeder at all times, here we see The Crab at a drinks party, feeding like the Basking Shark also pictured above. Profiteroles, canapes, sausages and prawns were seen to be sucked into The Crab - a very effective feeder in any environment.


Here we see The Crab proposing a toast to the brides and grooms, feeling particularly at home amongst the bubbles...

Engagements of Note

Mr Charles John Bickerton Evans recently announced his engagement to Miss Sophie Smith, with Mr Thomas Chugg (Dave) following suit a week later, by asking his girlfriend Miss Lisa Hutsby for her hand in marriage. Both raised in Worcestershire, the two grooms-to-be intend to wed in 2008 at a joint service just outside Droitwich Spa, with the honeymoons taking place in Bromyard and Kidderminster respectively. The Crab arrived in a traditionally festive outfit, armed with a bottle of champaigne to celebrate the occasion... raising a glass to the happy couples and then lowering it due to an athsma attack.