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Saturday, April 15, 2006

Muscles from Butlers Marston

Although normally partial to oysters, the crab will also dine on muscles during the summer months. In this photograph taken from the Natural History Museum's archives, we see a small group of muscles growing in the wild. Shy and reclusive, this particular species hunts mostly at night, latching on to anything female, using his pale plumage to trick prey into a false sense of security before attacking with speed and ferocity. Posted by Picasa


Dressed in his dry suit, the crab gives the claw up to the crowd before producing a faultless performance in the Pool Shoot. Posted by Picasa

KFC announce new menu

April 2006 - KFC announce new boneless chicken snacks. Not since Macdonalds 20 nugget tuesdays had the crab been so excited. Posted by Picasa

Flexi Time

At 11.45pm, shortly after necking a bottle of export strength Pernod, Henri was heard to say "I need a holiday" and then collapsed on to a customer in Bananas. Henry was then moved to a seat where he had a power nap, awaking after an hour and a half to resume his job behind the bar. Posted by Picasa


At 0230 hrs, Saturday 8th April '06, Ciril, a local vagrant and thief told Henry that as his car had been parked outside Ciril's mother's home for three and a half years, he had stolen all four wheels and would not return them unless a ransom of 400 euros was paid. Laughing at this threat, Henri said that he woudl simply buy another car. Posted by Picasa

No Henry Club - new member

"Ohh pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease!"

"No Henry" Posted by Picasa

After Snow Parties

Rumours that Henri's infamous after snow parties are beginning to damage his health are beginning to look more and more likely. Posted by Picasa


Here through a marvel of photographic technology we see, captured in perpituity, the momements just after Henri is asked by a customer in Banana Bar whether he shoots.Posted by Picasa

The Official Henri Poll - Please Vote!

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"Oh please, pleeease?"
"No Henry"
Free polls from

Body Matters

Worried about the frequent ''body shutdowns'' that he experiences, Henri wonders whether it is his diet (and not the 200 units of alcohol that he is consuming every night) that is causing the problem.


The after snow parties apprear to be taking their toll on Henri.... once a figure of health, Henry now displays the trademark yellow markings of George Best in his fifties. Posted by Picasa

Special Report from Agents Mills and Morton

This was the scene that greeted agents Morton and Mills who had been sent on a fact finding mission to discover more about The Crab's arch enemy - Henri.

Arriving by the cover of night, M&M found Henri having a one way conversation with a hedge fund manager from Switzerland regarding the taxation system in Botswana. Posted by Picasa

Monday, April 03, 2006

Prawngate - The road to recovery

Much to the delight of the coastguard and sea rescue team, marine biologists have confirmed that The Crab is recovering well. This photograph taken from a camera hidden in a bottle of mayonnaise shows that the Crab is now feeding quite normally once again. Posted by Picasa

Prawngate - CSI

Here the author pieces together the evidence scattered around the scene of Prawngate, concluding that this was indeed a prawn related incident (PRI). Posted by Picasa

Prawngate - Artificial Pincer

A marvel of modern medical technology, The Crab is provided with a prosthetic pincer whilst tissue for the damaged one is grown on the back of a laboratory rat at the Royal Agricultural College, in Cirencester. Posted by Picasa

Prawngate - Blood

Observed under a very powerful microscope, we see one of The Crab’s red blood cells. Posted by Picasa


Here we see the Author carefully observing the Air Sea Rescue team as they work upon the damaged pincer. Posted by Picasa


Whilst attending a springtime Point-to-Point in Hampshire, the Crab is involved in a freak prawn filleting incident. The Crab, in a low blood sugar induced feeding frenzy skewered one of his pincers with a knife. The coastguard were quickly alerted and a sea rescue emergency response team were mobilised. Once the Crab had been sewn up with four stitches, a researcher measured and weighed him, taking detailed notes of this rare specimen (shown in photo). Once tagged, the Crab was released and observed as he quickly returned to feeding. Posted by Picasa