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Friday, January 20, 2006

At home in the water or on dry land, the crab demonstrates (at underwaterworld, London) how useful his bejeweled pincers can be.

With a twist and a pull, the cork is effortlessly removed from this bottle of Cava by the mighty Mollusc. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

"Damage caused by Hare...."

The Hare/rabbit found on The Crab's engine in december chose an expensive place to hibernate. Posted by Picasa

Monday, January 09, 2006

Not the first time a bird has come between these two close friends. (Note that The Crab uses both pincers to ensure that he wins the meaty feast) Posted by Picasa

Red Legged Crab

Like a puppy looking into a mirror, The Crab is amused by the image shown on his friend's
digital camera screen..... minutes later, amusement turned to rage, when The Crab was told that the idiot in the red cords was, in fact, him. Posted by Picasa

Friday, January 06, 2006

Other end of spectrum

The other end of the colour spectrum is seen here, this time created by another creature of the same species, but a much more unpredictable beast. Posted by Picasa

Hunting - Using the surroundings

Like the cuttlefish, squid, giant squid, and cephalopods, The Crab can change colour to mimic his surroundings. Here he can be seen using the Reef to help him with his pigmental shift. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Food Collection

Typical of the Mollusc family, The Crab can be seen here scuttling along teh Warwickshire foreshore, collecting food in preparation for the cooler winter months. Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Crab Hunter

Here, using underwater photography, we see The Crab hunting amongst Giant Kelp near Exeter.

Few creatures are capable of escaping The Crab once he is in hunting mode. Posted by Picasa

The Crabmobile

Pleased by his new purchase of a turquoise mercedes and saying that his uncle once commented "I only bought a Merecedes so that when I'm drunk I can close one eye and follow the star home", the Crab was oblivious to the fact that a rabbit had nested within the engine of the vehicle until Reg from parts in mansfield Merecedes passed out whilst carrying out a routine brake check.

(please note that the rabbit was found dead prior to its arrival ontop of the Crabs engine. No animals were injured during filming). Posted by Picasa

Rock and Roll

Here we see the crab enjoying his favourite tipple - Vodka on the Rocks.

Rarely seen in daylight hours, his destinctive markings are clearly seen on the underbelly. Posted by Picasa

Happy New Year

This photograph captured in the wee small hours of last night when the Crab descovered that MacDonalds are offering 20 nuggets for the price of 10 on Tuesdays and Thursdays in participating restaurants. Posted by Picasa

Welcome to the Crab Cave

This site is dedicated to Fat Mat alias the Crab. Its aim is not to humiliate, insult or in any way harm this scarce creature, but more to create a quiet rockpool in which the life of this shy being can be observed and enjoyed.If you would like to add anything to this fishy website, please feel free to do so.